
Escrow-Trakker for lawyers is a comprehensive time saving accounting app, which tracks from 1 to 200 separate Trust and IOLTA bank accounts flawlessly. It offers functions to assign accounts, jobs and customers to each transaction including deposit, withdrawal and transfers. Provides extensive charts analysis and Reporting tool.


Project Description

It can be a daunting and formidable task for law firms to keep an in-house journal for client escrow accounts with multiple deposits and multiple withdrawals for multiple clients. Escrow Trakker eliminates time consuming custom spreadsheets and ledgers to give you quick, worry-free escrow accounting.

1. Home screen

Stories uploaded by user and his friends

Categorized list of movies and TV show

Navigation bar

2. Screenplay categories

List of categories to choose from

Selecting a category redirects us to the list of screenplays in that category

3. Watch-lists

Users can create their personal collection of movies and TV shows

Can view public and friends watch-list

4. Chats

Individual and group chats with friends

Search for friends or chats

View list of friends


1. Bank Accounts

User can create multiple bank accounts linked to different law firms. Capture Image of customer deposit checks - and - bills - of respective bank account and store it permanently in the cloud as required

2. Add Transactions

Inside each bank account, user can add transactions like deposit/withdrawal/transfer. And can see individual customer balances and transactions on screen.

3. Search Transactions Screen

Split transactions allow user to distribute deposits or withdrawals to multiple income or expense accounts.

Bank account overdraw notifications feature allow user to never trigger a state audit by overdrawing their IOLTA and never spend non-cleared funds.

4. Reports

Image capture of customer deposit checks - and - bills - stored permanently in the cloud as required.

Duration: 6 Months

Tech Stack


React Native




